Jamille van Wijngaarden

Jamille van Wijngaarden is a film and commercial director from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Her work is characterized by its humor with a lightly absurd reality often featuring touching characters who, despite their best intentions, do more damage than good.
After her studie at the Netherlands Film Academy Jamille made a few short films that received a lot of praise in the Netherlands but also worldwide. Her short film SNOW WHITE won the award at the Prix Europe Festival in Berlin in the category ‘Languages through Lenses’. The Virtual Reality film called ASHES TO ASHES was nominated for the Golden Calf Award (The Dutch version of the Academy Award), won the Dutch VR Award and has been screened around the world at many international film festivals, such as Berlinale and Cannes.
Her short animation film CATASTROPHE which screened in all Dutch Pathé Cinemas as the opening film of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING. After the screenings throughout the country, CATASTROPHE kicked off its festival premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. A successful festival tour around the world was to follow with screenings at more than a 100 international film festivals. The film was also selected by Vimeo for its Staff Pick Premiere.
The short comedy film SCHOOL’S OUT (Dutch title: TIENMINUTENGESPREK) has drawn critical acclaim and the Dutch Directors Guild awarded Jamille for ‘Best Director in short film 2018’.
Her character driven film BITCH (Dutch title: TEEF) had its premiere in november 2019 on Dutch Television.
In the last few years Jamille directed various Dutch tv-series like ESCAPE FROM ALBATROS, DEEP SHIT, FLOOR RULES en CAMP KOOKINESS (this series was nominated for the Golden Calf) and next year there will be a new drama series called BENNIE. And she directed comedy sketches for SLUIPSCHUTTERS and TOREN C.
Besides her work in film and TV she also directs commercials for divers clients.
Jamille van Wijngaarden is a film and commercial director from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Her work is characterized by its (dark) humor with a lightly absurd reality often featuring touching characters who, despite their best intentions, do more damage than good.
After her studie at the Netherlands Film Academy Jamille made a few short films that received a lot of praise in the Netherlands but also worldwide. Her short film SNOW WHITE won the award at the Prix Europe Festival in Berlin in the category ‘Languages through Lenses’. The Virtual Reality film called ASHES TO ASHES was nominated for the Golden Calf Award (The Dutch version of the Academy Award), won the Dutch VR Award and has been screened around the world at many international film festivals, such as Berlinale and Cannes.
Her short animation film CATASTROPHE which screened in all Dutch Pathé Cinemas as the opening film of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING. After the screenings throughout the country, CATASTROPHE kicked off its festival premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. A successful festival tour around the world was to follow with screenings at more than a 100 international film festivals. The film was also selected by Vimeo for its Staff Pick Premiere.
The short comedy film SCHOOL’S OUT (Dutch title: TIENMINUTENGESPREK) has drawn critical acclaim and the Dutch Directors Guild awarded Jamille for ‘Best Director in short film 2018’.
Her character driven film BITCH (Dutch title: TEEF) had its premiere in november 2019 on Dutch Television.
In the last few years Jamille directed various Dutch tv-series like DEEP SHIT, FLOOR RULES en CAMP KOOKINESS (this series was nominated for the Golden Calf).
And she directed comedy sketches for SLUIPSCHUTTERS and TOREN C. Besides her work in film and TV she also directs commercials for clients such as Albert Heijn, Mora and Campina among others.
The short comedy film SCHOOL’S OUT (Dutch title: TIENMINUTENGESPREK) has drawn critical acclaim and the Dutch Directors Guild awarded Jamille for ‘Best Director in short film 2018’.
Her character driven film BITCH (Dutch title: TEEF) had its premiere in november 2019 on Dutch Television.
In the last few years Jamille directed various Dutch tv-series like DEEP SHIT, FLOOR RULES en CAMP KOOKINESS (this series was nominated for the Golden Calf).
And she directed comedy sketches for SLUIPSCHUTTERS and TOREN C. Besides her work in film and TV she also directs commercials for clients such as Albert Heijn, Mora and Campina among others.